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A major portion of each meeting is centered around three or more speakers. Their speeches are prepared based on assignments in the various Toastmaster manuals. Preparation is essential to success when you are the speaker.

Prior to the meeting.
Check the meeting schedule to find out when you are to speak. In order to get the most benefits from the program, prepare a speech based on a manual project. Present the speeches in numerical order because each project builds on the skills learned in previous projects.

Before your meeting ask the General Evaluator for your evaluator's name. Speak to your evaluator and talk about the manual speech you'll be giving. Discuss with the evaluator your speech goals and personal concerns. Emphasize where you feel your speech ability needs strengthening. Remember to bring your manual to the meeting.

When you enter the room.
Arrive early.  Check the microphone, lighting, etc. before everyone arrives. Protect yourself from all the problems that can ruin your talk. Sit near the front of the room for quick and easy access to the lectern. Carefully plan your approach to the lectern and speech opening. Be sure that you give your manual to your evaluator before the meeting starts. If you don't write your own speech introduction, make certain the TMOD has prepared a good one for you.

During the meeting.
Give your full attention to the speakers at the lectern. Avoid studying your speech notes while someone else is talking. When introduced, smoothly leave your chair and walk to the lectern as planned. As you begin your speech, ackknowledge the TMOD and the audience (Toastmasters and guests). When finishing your speech, wait for the TMOD to return to the lectern, then return to your seat. During the evaluation of your speech, listen intently for helpful hints that will assist in building better future talks. Pay attention to suggestions from other members.

After the meeting.
Get your manual from your evaluator. At this time discuss any questions you may have concerning your evaluation to clarify any misinterpretations. Have the Vice President Education (or other current club officer if you are the VPE) initial the Project Completion Record in the back of your manual.


See related PDF File.