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FAQ #19

What skills other than public speaking can I learn at your club?

ANSWER.  Toastmasters is not just giving speeches, presenting toasts, and having a good time. It's also about learning to work with other people, and becoming a leader. With the Toastmasters program, and club organization, you have the opportunity to serve as a Club Officer.

1. President
2. VP Education
3. VP Membership
4. VP Public Relations
5. Secretary
6. Treasurer
7. Sgt-at-arms

Each club has an executive that leads the club. Toastmasters provides training on how to lead your club, and this knowledge can be used in other organizations, or your workplace. As with everything else Toastmasters has to offer, it is a safe place to practice leadership skills before you have to use them where they really count. As a club leader, you help focus the club and encourage its members. You also have an opportunity to present club educationals to assist your club in the learning process. And don't worry, Toastmasters provides all the information you need to know to be a club officer. You will never be alone.